This new month we start with a lovely interview with our talent Belu, who answered some questions about her career and personal life. Get to know her better with us.
1 How did you become a model?
It’s a beautiful story to remember. Since I was a child, I’ve always been told that I should be a model, mainly by my mother and my maternal grandparents. I remember not understanding why, and at times, I didn’t like being told that.
At 17, I remember one day I was at school and a director of an agency named Lucho contacted me on Instagram, saying he had seen me in the supermarket and said I would be a great fit for his agency. At that time, I was taking singing and theater classes, and I didn’t have much free time. Also, being underage, I needed my parents authorization, and they told me to finish my last year of high school first.
So, a day after turning 18, I wrote to Lucho telling him I was interested in becoming a model. He told me he had closed his agency but was still a photographer.
That same year, I started studying music at a tertiary institution (as a vocalist). I wondered if it was really what I wanted, and after a few months, I decided to stop studying to start showcasing my talent and continue developing my musical and theatrical side. Along the way, it was inevitable to consider modeling due to the previous approaches I had towards it.
Parallel, I went to a fair where I sold my own and my mother’s clothes. With that money, I paid Lucho, and he took my first polaroids for my first agency. I’ll never forget this story and how important it was to me

2. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
If I could pick anything to do for a day, I’d absolutely enjoy spending time singing and composing in a studio. I’d totally lose track of time and be very happy with a piano, a guitar and good company.
3. What would you say is the biggest red flag?
I think that one of the biggest red flags is If I see someone always being negative and seeing everything as bad, that’s a big no for me. I don’t vibe with people who complain all day and can’t find the good in anything.
4. Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?
I consider myself an extrovert person with introverted moments. I know it may sound strange and even contradictory, but usually I’m friendly and funny. I love spending time with my friends and the people around me, both at work and outside of it, as they are beautiful people. However, I’m aware of when I need my space and when to step back. I would say I’m 60% extroverted and 40% introverted. I believe this balance is perfect for me, as it allows me to connect and give my best to others, and then take a break and recharge.

5. What is your favorite thing about your career?
My favorite thing about my career is traveling and meeting people. I’ve made new friendships through modeling, and I can count on them when we happen to be in the same cities. It’s really crazy and fun to know that I’ll always run into them around.
6. What is your favorite place in the world and why?
My favorite place in the world is my childhood home, located in Alta Gracia, Córdoba, Argentina. It’s a place filled with memories and joy that inspires me greatly, and I know I feel safe and happy there. Although I haven’t lived there for almost 4 years, I know I’ll return someday, but until then, I hold onto it as my place of connection. It stirs up a rollercoaster of emotions in me when I think about that house, and I love that.
7. What is your go-to guilty pleasure?
I have to admit, this question is difficult for me. I suppose my guilty pleasure is having sushi for dinner while playing video games, although it doesn’t happen often. But when it does, I really enjoy it.