1. How did you become a model?
I got scouted in a supermarket by the amazing Olivia. I really had a bad day, but because of that it turned out amazing.
2. What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?
It would probably be, when I pulled the breaks on my studies as a nurse and started this new modeling life without knowing anything about it.
3. What makes you laugh the most?
Goofy humor 🙂 I love it, and it makes me laugh my heart out.
4. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
My family. Especially my little brother. We experienced some very hard things in life, so they make me feel grateful about life and cherish every small thing in this world. Without them, I’m nothing.
5. What is your favorite thing about your career?
That everything is so new and spontaneous, especially meeting new people!
6. If you could have a superpower. What would it be?
Being superwoman and make everyone happy on their worst days.
7. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
South Africa. My parents has always teach me everything about African culture and history. As my favorite subject is history and how the world really works. It would be a dream for me to go there.